O futuro do Fly Fishing

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Rick Morais
Mensagens: 1458
Registrado em: Qui Set 09, 2004 7:18 pm

O futuro do Fly Fishing

Mensagem por Rick Morais » Sex Out 22, 2004 6:00 pm

Reproduzo um texto de um doido americano, que falou bonito sobre que o pessoal está esquecendo que o fly não é só peixe no samburá, até pq ele pega menos que o bait, rede e tarrafa....

Desculpe por não ter traduzido, mas é que ando sem tempo e tinha medo que essa ótima mensagem fosse apagada pelo servidor....
I have been professionally involved in fly fishing travel for 10 years, guiding in both Alaska and Kamchatka. Running and owning camps in Kamchatka, now working at one of the leading destination travel companies setting up travel everywhere from the Rio Grande in Argentina to Alaska, Kamchatka, etc.
It seems to me that we as a group have not embraced the true nature of our sport. We have in our quest for perfection been brainwashed into thinking perfection is simply a count of how many fish we bring to the net. I talk to many anglers everyday and just finished a conversation with a gentleman, nice guy but in setting up his trip he stated, " I am going to catch all the trout I ever wanted." Now if by no fault of mine he does not catch a million fish then it is not a worth while destination and he moves on to the next panacea.
There are a few points that I want to make. First, all anglers both young and old must read Ray Bergman’s classic TROUT and pay close attention to pages 112-113" Especially the paragraph " It is a good rule always to ... ....". All to often I have seen anglers on destination trips not practice at all before the trip and then they cannot get the line out 10 feet but when they do not catch fish who do they blame, certainly not themselves. Now I know everyone on this forum can cast 90 feet with both hands, right? Everyday I hear people that went to a destination and were not pleased with the fishing when in fact what they are not pleased with is the catching. Maybe we need more pay ponds!

My other gripe is the fact that we have put tailwater fisheries on a pedestal. The Green, San Juan, Taylor, Blue.... ... are fake fisheries with unusually dense populations of fish that skew the entire sport. I want to puke every time I hear some guy compare Kamchatka to the Green. Sure tailwaters are fun and sometimes a good place to practice catching fish but they teach anglers bad habits, like sitting on a hole and not moving their feet. Wild fish are aggressive and behave much differently than the fish that have flies swept in front of their faces all day long everyday.

So what is the true nature of the sport...communing with nature and the cycle of the rivers or lakes or oceans....not counting the number of fish you catch and how that is the end all. Sit down, look around and we will take the sport back to what it used to be and how it should be enjoyed....quietly. Tell me what you feel the true nature of the sport is
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Registrado em: Qui Set 09, 2004 7:50 pm
Cidade: SaoJosedosPinhais
Estado: PR

Mensagem por NELSON MACIEL » Sáb Out 23, 2004 6:46 am

Ótimo Rick ...
Valeu ... Agora que vc salvou o texto, muito interessante por sinal, vc tem todo o final de semana pra traduzir e postar a versão Rickdiana aqui ...rs....
Nelson Maciel
/ct0 /ctf
Seja um pescador mais esportivo. Amasse as farpas dos anzóis e garatéias.
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João Nicácio
Mensagens: 610
Registrado em: Seg Dez 03, 2007 11:22 am

Re: O futuro do Fly Fishing

Mensagem por João Nicácio » Ter Jan 22, 2008 11:49 pm

Rick Morais escreveu:
I have been professionally involved in fly fishing travel for 10 years, guiding in both Alaska and Kamchatka. Running and owning camps in Kamchatka, now working at one of the leading destination travel companies setting up travel everywhere from the Rio Grande in Argentina to Alaska, Kamchatka, etc.
It seems to me that we as a group have not embraced the true nature of our sport. We have in our quest for perfection been brainwashed into thinking perfection is simply a count of how many fish we bring to the net. I talk to many anglers everyday and just finished a conversation with a gentleman, nice guy but in setting up his trip he stated, " I am going to catch all the trout I ever wanted." Now if by no fault of mine he does not catch a million fish then it is not a worth while destination and he moves on to the next panacea.
There are a few points that I want to make. First, all anglers both young and old must read Ray Bergman’s classic TROUT and pay close attention to pages 112-113" Especially the paragraph " It is a good rule always to ... ....". All to often I have seen anglers on destination trips not practice at all before the trip and then they cannot get the line out 10 feet but when they do not catch fish who do they blame, certainly not themselves. Now I know everyone on this forum can cast 90 feet with both hands, right? Everyday I hear people that went to a destination and were not pleased with the fishing when in fact what they are not pleased with is the catching. Maybe we need more pay ponds!

My other gripe is the fact that we have put tailwater fisheries on a pedestal. The Green, San Juan, Taylor, Blue.... ... are fake fisheries with unusually dense populations of fish that skew the entire sport. I want to puke every time I hear some guy compare Kamchatka to the Green. Sure tailwaters are fun and sometimes a good place to practice catching fish but they teach anglers bad habits, like sitting on a hole and not moving their feet. Wild fish are aggressive and behave much differently than the fish that have flies swept in front of their faces all day long everyday.

So what is the true nature of the sport...communing with nature and the cycle of the rivers or lakes or oceans....not counting the number of fish you catch and how that is the end all. Sit down, look around and we will take the sport back to what it used to be and how it should be enjoyed....quietly. Tell me what you feel the true nature of the sport is
Sorry, my english is poor...Have traduction?...
Je deteste la language anglaise...
Ay, caramba! No hay tradución de esso? No me gusta el idioma anglo...
Ata medaber portuguesit u sefaradit?
"Tafasta merubá lô tafasta"
(Se apertar demais, vaza entre os dedos)

"Nunca se justifique. Os amigos não precisam e os inimigos não acreditam."
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Rafael Durrégui
Mensagens: 2284
Registrado em: Dom Set 25, 2005 9:47 pm

Re: O futuro do Fly Fishing

Mensagem por Rafael Durrégui » Qua Jan 23, 2008 6:52 am

João Nicácio R. Filho escreveu:
Rick Morais escreveu:
I have been professionally involved in fly fishing travel for 10 years, guiding in both Alaska and Kamchatka. Running and owning camps in Kamchatka, now working at one of the leading destination travel companies setting up travel everywhere from the Rio Grande in Argentina to Alaska, Kamchatka, etc.
It seems to me that we as a group have not embraced the true nature of our sport. We have in our quest for perfection been brainwashed into thinking perfection is simply a count of how many fish we bring to the net. I talk to many anglers everyday and just finished a conversation with a gentleman, nice guy but in setting up his trip he stated, " I am going to catch all the trout I ever wanted." Now if by no fault of mine he does not catch a million fish then it is not a worth while destination and he moves on to the next panacea.
There are a few points that I want to make. First, all anglers both young and old must read Ray Bergman’s classic TROUT and pay close attention to pages 112-113" Especially the paragraph " It is a good rule always to ... ....". All to often I have seen anglers on destination trips not practice at all before the trip and then they cannot get the line out 10 feet but when they do not catch fish who do they blame, certainly not themselves. Now I know everyone on this forum can cast 90 feet with both hands, right? Everyday I hear people that went to a destination and were not pleased with the fishing when in fact what they are not pleased with is the catching. Maybe we need more pay ponds!

My other gripe is the fact that we have put tailwater fisheries on a pedestal. The Green, San Juan, Taylor, Blue.... ... are fake fisheries with unusually dense populations of fish that skew the entire sport. I want to puke every time I hear some guy compare Kamchatka to the Green. Sure tailwaters are fun and sometimes a good place to practice catching fish but they teach anglers bad habits, like sitting on a hole and not moving their feet. Wild fish are aggressive and behave much differently than the fish that have flies swept in front of their faces all day long everyday.

So what is the true nature of the sport...communing with nature and the cycle of the rivers or lakes or oceans....not counting the number of fish you catch and how that is the end all. Sit down, look around and we will take the sport back to what it used to be and how it should be enjoyed....quietly. Tell me what you feel the true nature of the sport is
Sorry, my english is poor...Have traduction?...
Je deteste la language anglaise...
Ay, caramba! No hay tradución de esso? No me gusta el idioma anglo...
Ata medaber portuguesit u sefaradit?
:lol: :lol:
Esse João é uma figura !!

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Alexandre Cardoso
Mensagens: 872
Registrado em: Ter Jan 09, 2007 4:30 pm

Mensagem por Alexandre Cardoso » Qua Jan 23, 2008 3:56 pm


Coloquei o texto no Tradutor Google, apenas para termos uma idéia, não fica ao pé da letra, mas espero que ajude os amigos.


Tenho sido profissionalmente envolvidos na mosca pesca viajar durante 10 anos, em ambos os orientadores Alasca e Kamchatka. Corrida e proprietária acampamentos em Kamchatka, agora trabalhando em um dos principais destinos de viagem a criação de empresas de viagens em todos os lugares do Rio Grande do Alasca à Argentina, Kamchatka, etc
Parece-me que o nosso grupo tem um não abraçou a verdadeira natureza do nosso desporto. Temos na nossa busca da perfeição sido lavagem cerebral para pensar perfeição é simplesmente uma contagem de quantos peixes que trazem à rede. Falo com muitos pescadores todos os dias e acabou de uma conversa com um senhor, nice guy, mas na criação de sua viagem ele declarou: "Estou indo para capturar todas as trutas eu nunca quis." Agora, se não por culpa da mina ele não captura de um milhão de peixes, então não é um valor enquanto destino e ele se move para a próxima panacéia.
Há alguns pontos que gostaria de fazer. Primeiramente, os pescadores tanto jovens e idosos devem ler Ray Bergman's classic TROUT e preste muita atenção às páginas 112-113 "Especialmente o parágrafo" É uma boa regra sempre a ... ....". Todas as vezes que eu já vi Pescadores destino em prática em todas as viagens não antes da viagem e, em seguida, eles não podem obter a linha a 10 pés, mas quando eles não capturar peixes que fazem eles culpam, certamente, não si. Agora sei todos sobre este fórum pode cast 90 pés com ambas Mãos, certo? Diariamente ouço as pessoas que se deslocou para um destino e não estavam satisfeitos com a pesca, quando na realidade o que eles não estão satisfeitos com a captura. Talvez precisemos mais pagar charcos!

Meus outros gripe é o fato de que pusemos tailwater pesca em um pedestal. O Green, San Juan, Taylor, Blue ... .... eles são falsos pesca com invulgarmente densas populações de peixes que deforme todo o desporto. Quero puke cada vez que ouço algum guy comparar Kamchatka à Verde. Sure tailwaters são divertidas e, por vezes, um bom local para a prática de captura de peixes, mas que ensinam pescadores maus hábitos, como a audiência de um buraco e não transfiram os seus pés. Peixes selvagens são muito agressivas e comportar de maneira diferente do que o peixe que voa varrida na frente de seus rostos durante todo o dia quotidiano.

Então, qual é a verdadeira natureza do desporto ... communing com a natureza eo ciclo dos rios ou lagos ou oceanos ... ... sem contar o número de peixes que captura e como é que ao final todos. Sente-se, olha em volta e vamos levar o esporte para trás para o que costumava ser e como ela deve ser vivida ... ... tranquilamente. Diga-me o que você sente a verdadeira natureza do desporto é
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Jose Silverio
Mensagens: 83
Registrado em: Qua Fev 14, 2007 2:21 pm

A verdadeira natureza da pesca com mosca

Mensagem por Jose Silverio » Seg Mar 03, 2008 9:54 am

ENTENDÍ perfeitamente e têm tudo a ver. Talvez o Fly seja a modalidade em que tão ou mais importante que pegar o peixe o que vale é o esporte, o contato com a natureza, a observação do comportamento do peixe, sua alimentação, etc. E continua após a pescaria, atando moscas e imitando o que vimos de alimento pro peixe. Será que o peixe vai gostar?E além disso apreciar a beleza do lugar, curtir a paisagem, enfim uma verdadeira pesca esportiva. Totalmente o contrário de certos "pescadores esportivos" que vejo por aí que só querem "encher o samburá".
Pescando e aprendendo.